Laurie Dougherty
Laurie Dougherty, CTF, CAE
Ms. Dougherty: Mentor and trainer enabling people to lead effective meetings, actionable plans and strategies in government and nonprofit associations. Through online and in person training and intensive support, she shares proven tools such as Technology of Participation (ToP) Facilitation Methods as well as best practices in conducting meetings. Building on her 26 years of experience as a nonprofit executive, she helps organizations craft strategies and design online tools using current technologies such as AdobeConnect, Articulate 360 and Blackboard.
Employment History
- CEO, Dougherty, Inc. Facilitation and Training
- Executive Director – Illinois Section American Water Works
- Qualified Trainer – Meetings That Work – ICA Associates, Inc.
Competency Areas
- Training and Development; Training Delivery
Facilitation and Leadership Programs: Qualified trainer of Technology of Participation, (ToP) Facilitation Methods and ICA Associates, Meetings That Work. Developer of custom micro-learning and mobile opportunities using current methods such as Articulate 360.
- Meeting Design and Facilitation
Creatively design and facilitate large and small group meetings, virtual or in person. Facilitation services for strategic planning, team-building, and action planning.
- Grant Writer
Wrote and obtained grants for the Illinois Section AWWA to fund small systems training, and outreach to schools. Served as a grant reviewer for USEPA.
- Certificate – Non Profit Management – University of Illinois
- Certificate – Instructional Design – Rollins College
Professional Associations
- International Association of Facilitators (IAF)
- National ToP Trainer’s Network
- American Society for Training and Development
- Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA)
- Mid Atlantic Facilitators Network
Professional Certification and Awards
- Qualified Trainer – National ToP Trainer’s Network
- Qualified Trainer – ICA Associates, Inc. Meetings That Work
- Certified ToP Facilitator – Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA)
- Certified Association Executive – American Society of Association Executives
Publications and Presentations
- Author, “Blue Ribbon Teams: Achieve the Impossible Together” – Published 2017
- Facilitation Fundamentals for Public Health
- Building Consensus Among Groups
Project List
- Developed and facilitated strategic planning process for the National Guardian Association. Process included stake holder surveys, review and analysis of current trends with over 30 participants over 2 days resulting in a new direction for the National Guardianship Association.
- Developed and facilitated strategic planning process for Florida Association of Native Nurseries. The one-day process included looking at current and future trends affecting a variety of sizes of growers resulting in a road map on how to increase usage of natural plants in Florida public and private environments.
- Facilitator Training; Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) – Trained more that 300 facilitators in consensus techniques, participatory strategic and action planning. Founded Dougherty, Inc. Facilitation and Training.
- Authored the book, “Blue Ribbon Teams”. An easy-to-read manual that encourages groups to follow best practices for online and in person meetings. The book includes a self-evaluation and steps for team self-improvement.
- Responsible for a nonprofit organization with over 4300 members, 300 active volunteers, board members and staff. Instructed and coached the leaders and staff on best practices and helped them to grow their leadership and consensus building skills. Doubled the services offered by volunteers over the last 10 years and grew membership by 30%. Provided strategic planning facilitation for over 30 participants on a semi-annual basis to develop the future strategies for the association.
- Developed a Small Systems Self Analysis Online Program funded by USEPA. This program allows small water systems to answer a series of questions, that leads to a final assessment of risk. This was one of the first interactive programs of its kind.
Client List
- Florida Dept. of Health – over 300 trained
- Florida Association of Native Nurseries
- Harlem Roscoe Fire Protection District
- Association of Boards of Certification
- North Park Public Water District
- Valencia College
- Goodwill Industries
- QuitDoc
- FSU College of Medicine
- LSF Health Systems