Becky Foreman
Professional facilitator, trainer and consultant with successful track record helping organizations of all sizes develop practical, sustainable long and short-term strategies that build consensus and shared ownership among all stakeholders.
Employment History
- Owner – Becky Foreman Facilitation & Training
- Executive Director – Inland Counties Health Systems Agency
- Director of Development – YWCA of Riverside County
- Business Office Manager – Pacific Bell
Competency Areas
- Executive Leadership
Coordinated and administered six major health programs throughout a four-county area encompassing some of the most underserved populations in California.
- Meeting Design and Facilitation
Qualified Facilitator licensed by the Institute of Cultural Affairs. Provides professional consultation & facilitation services to nonprofit, for profit and governmental
agencies throughout Southern California. Expertise in strategic planning, action planning, consensus building, staff retreats and organizational design.
- Training and Development; Training Delivery
Mentor Trainer licensed by the Institute of Cultural Affairs. Provides public and in-house training throughout the Inland Empire in Facilitation Methods & Strategic Planning.
- Bachelor’s Degree in Business & Management – University of Redlands, Redlands CA
Professional Associations
- National ToP Trainer’s Network
- Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA)
Professional Certification
- Mentor Trainer – National ToP Trainer’s Network
- Certified ToP Facilitator – Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA)
- Woman of Distinction, California 63rd Assembly District
- Community Champion, Molina Healthcare
- Executive Director of the Year, Agency Executive Association of the Inand Empire
- Everyday Hero, YWCA of Riverside Count
Project List
• In response to a statewide initiative, facilitated a 6-month strategic planning process for the Inland AB86 Consortium, bringing together representatives from throughout San
Bernardino County to design improved delivery of adult education services in every part of the region. Created seven strategic plans and combined them into one master plan
including a line item budget, accomplishments and a timeline, that is regarded as one of the best in the state. Project resulted in $3 million award to the consortium.
• Worked with the City of Riverside to redefine the role of the Riverside
Neighborhood Partnership. Helped a diverse group with conflicting visions and agendas
come to consensus around a shared vision, group identity and plan of action.
• Facilitated an organizational redesign for the City of Riverside Department of Historic
Preservation, Neighborhoods and Urban Development in which they created a new
division name, a mission statement, strategic directions and specific one-year goals.
• Designed and facilitated an organizational redesign for the San Bernardino
County Education Support Services team of 50, which resulted in a group image shift from
a division of “silos” to one, cohesive and collaborative unit including a shared vision,
commitments and an action plan.
• Have facilitated strategic planning sessions for numerous non-profit, for-profit, government and educational agencies throughout the Inland Empire.
Client List
Local and State Government
Justice System
Education Related Institutions
Professional Associations
Arts & Culture Organizations
Other Organizations