Brigid Riley, MPH, CTF, MTT
I bring more than 25 years of professional experience from the public, nonprofit and private sectors, with an emphasis in the public health arena. My background encompasses executive management; organization development; project management; nonprofit board development; health and social issue framing; strategic communications; nonprofit fund development; policy advocacy; and systems-change.
Employment History
- Principal – Willow Consulting
- Principal – B. E. Riley Consulting
- Executive Director – Teenwise Minnesota
- Principal Planning Analyst – Hennepin County Public Health Promotion
- Public Health Specialist – Bloomington Public Health
- Project Manager – Minnesota Center for Survey Research, University of Minnesota
- Student Advisor – Student Parent HELP Center, University of Minnesota
- Project Coordinator – Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center, Veteran Affairs Medical Center
Competency Areas
- Meeting Design and Facilitation
Design and facilitate productive and meaningful gatherings for large and small groups. I have extensive facilitation training and experience in formal mediation.
- Project Management
Plan, implement and summarize projects, including topic exploration, key informant interviews and listening sessions.
- Community Engagement
Design and implement an array of methods to gather community input including surveys, key informant interviews, listening sessions and World Café gatherings.
- Organization Development
Conduct internal assessments, design capacity-building sessions for Board and staff.
- Nonprofit Governance
Design and deliver capacity-building workshops about a variety of nonprofit topics including nonprofit policy and advocacy, building a strong Board of Directors and understanding strategic planning.
- Training Design and Delivery
Design and deliver capacity-building workshops and courses about a variety of topics including evaluation, engaging with conflict, nonprofit policy and advocacy, building a strong Board of Directors and understanding strategic planning. Additionally, a Qualified Trainer of ToP Facilitation Methods course.
- Master of Public Health – Community Health Promotion, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- Bachelor of Arts – Psychology and Communications, University of Saint Catherine, Saint Paul, MN
Fellowships and Learning Cohorts
- Mastering the Technology of Participation
Year-long learning cohort focused on ToP facilitation philosophy and techniques.
- Policy Fellow
Year-long learning and leadership cohort focused on public policy. Part of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota.
- Emerging Leaders Network
Year-long leadership development program of the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Public Health Association and the Local Public Health Association. Sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Turning Point National Excellence Collaborative on Leadership Development
Professional Associations
- National ToP Trainer’s Network
- American Public Health Association
- Minnesota Public Health Association
Professional Certification
- Certified ToP Facilitator – Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA)
- Qualified Trainer – National ToP Trainer’s Network
- Civil Mediation Training – Conflict Resolution Center
Workshops Designed and Delivered
- Evaluation Basics
- Participatory Group Facilitation: Gaining Authentic Input in Public Health Planning and Improvement Processes
- Building a Strong Board of Directors
- Strategic Planning Again?
- Federal Funding 101
- Leadership and Management: Understanding Both
- Educating, Advocating and Lobbying for Our Work: How Far Can We Go?
- Building Social and Political Will for Maternal and Child Health Programs: The Role of Reframing
- Reframing Teen Parents: Building Social and Political Will for Young Families
Awards & Honors
- 2011 Betty Hubbard Maternal and Child Health Leadership Award for Statewide Advocacy
- Delta Omega, Honorary Society in Public Health
- Psi Chi, International Honorary Society in Psychology