Rebecca (Becky) Groff
Ms. Groff has over 20 years of organizational management, community outreach, strategic planning and facilitation experience. Becky is a change agent in not for profit and governmental agencies. Valued for helping teams think strategically, engage in meaningful conversation leading to desired change.
Employment History
- Program Development Coordinator, Iowa Insurance Division Senior Health Insurance Information Program
- Associate State Director Community Outreach, AARP Iowa
- Executive Director, Alzheimer’s Assn. Greater Iowa Chapter
- Director Wesley Day Center, Des Moines, IA
Competency Areas
- Project Management
Facilitation for collaborative action planning, implementation, policy development, transitional change management.
- Stakeholder Engagement
Work with diverse stakeholders in private and public sectors, community assessment, community outreach, action planning and system change.
- Meeting Design and Facilitation
Design and facilitate large and small group meetings, multiple stakeholders, strategic planning and critical planning sessions.
- Issue Expertise
Chronic illness, Livable Communities, Alzheimer’s Disease, Medicare, health care insurance, health care delivery, advocacy.
- B.A. Social Science, Communications – Simpson College, Indianola Iowa
Professional Associations
- National ToP Trainer’s Network
- Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA)
Professional Certification and Awards
- Certified TOP facilitator – Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA)
- Design / Build Solutions for Aging and Accessibility – National Assn of Homebuilders
Project List
- Lead multi year strategic planning initiatives with the Iowa Insurance Division and the Senior Health Insurance Information Program.
- Facilitated strategic planning for Iowa Public Television, 6th Avenue Corridor, Iowa Caregivers Association.
- Initiated collaboration to “Build Leadership for Changing Communities” with AARP, Iowa Departments of Cultural Affairs (Iowa Great Places), Public Health (Healthy Communities) and Economic Development (Mainstreet) to promote strategies for creating healthy, sustainable, and livable communities.
- Guided merger of three local Alzheimer’s Chapters into one agency, addressing fund and board development, strategic planning, national standards and community relations.
- Developed with diverse stakeholders, community plans to address issues of housing, accessibility, and dementia care.
- Created a patient assessment tool for determining staffing, training, and level of care for individual planning.
- Expanded network of sponsor organizations and partner development to address the benefits assistance and educational needs of Medicare beneficiaries.
- Facilitated with Direct Care Workers consensus workshops to develop recommendations for addressing worker retention issues as part of a Dept. of Labor grant.
- Coordinated volunteer network among 12 local agencies to provide Money Management services to disadvantaged people.
- Contributed to the development of national accreditation standards through CARF for Assisted Living, Dementia Care, Adult Day Services, and Person Centered Care.